Sunday, December 20, 2009

So I haven't been around much....

This was a plant in my front yard before the snow claimed it.

#1~Because it's hard to type when teeny baby feet are kicking the laptop (thanks son) and hard to type while nursing and fending off baby feet at the same time (we're talking some major-what-is-she-trying-to-say-typos!) Okay, technically that's two reasons....oh well

#2~Our power has been going out periodically due to the lovely cold cold (did I mention COLD?!) snow.

#3~It's the holidays! Busy busy


I'm slacking this year, on shopping. I'm feelin' the stress creeping upon me
like a very unwelcome visitor. Ya know those last minute shoppers who are running around the Wal-Mart in a frenzied hurry, with kids all over and whining, while they're attempting to get that one last gift? Yeah.....that's me. I justify it by saying "well at least my kids will have good memories of the hustle and bustle of the holidays!". Yeah, we'll stick to that but it doesn't convince the sleepy, sticky toddler that it's all worth it at the moment.

Lets see....what else?
My middle child turned 2yo yesterday! It was quite exciting....ya know with the blizzard and all! We had him a cake by candle-light and gifts, because our un-reliable-made-worse-because-of-the-snow electric was off (again). He loved his cake and kept saying "nah-me!'(nummy in english). We eventually had to leave the house because it was clear that the elec/heat wasn't coming back on anytime soon~so the Baby Einstein Nesting Block set mommy and daddy bought as one of his birthday gifts came in handy!

And that's all I have time for....the baby is demanding me and alas, the two year old is still awake and it's 11pm. I'm out.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Like Zu Zu Hamsters? Enter for a chance to win!

Enter now and good luck! :)

Kid Friendly Snowman Cookies!

I'm contemplating making these.....not sure if I'm that brave just yet.


Don't they look fun?? If we make them, I'll post pics :-D

Look! It's a free calender!!

I don't know about ya'll but I love free stuff, esp. calenders!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My day, in a nutshell.

Stop taking your sisters doll

Don't throw it over the baby gate....No....don't you.....(grumbles under breath and scuffles off to retreive doll)

No, he can NOT have a cookie....because I said so thats why. Because he has no teeth! I don't know why he has no teeth.....well, I'm sure he will get them soon enough. No, we can't buy him some teeth.

Get off of your brother.

Go sit down. (repeat 20x to the toddler who isn't listening)

Mommy is trying to talk on the phone.....No, I don't want your booger, stop putting hats on me......I told you I'm on the phone....stop running like a herd of buffalo.....Oh for the love of pete!

Stop stepping on your sister, it's not nice.

Yes, the baby is drooling. Because hes a baby.....Sure you can wipe it off but it'll be back. I don't know why it'll be back.

Gimme back the Where did you hide it? Stop turning the tv off!

I love you too, you little maniacs.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ZOMG batman, grab the crayons and run!


(que scary music and shrieking girl)

28lbs of sheer terror!
And hes even more terrifying with
SCHWAN'S stickers on him!
(Yes they're on there. You just
can't see them in the pic)
He has already claimed a poor,innocent

Save US!

What a find!

50 4x8" Holiday Photo Cards

Click the link above
Create and edit your photo card
When you're done, save and add to cart if you haven't already
BEFORE paying, enter the code newbaby and your total should go from $24 to $3.19!
Check-out and enjoy!

And this site accepts Paypal! I don't know 'bout you but I don't have a credit card, so any site that accepts PP is a find!

Have fun and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lets get this party started, yeah!

Whats up?

You can call me Ren.
I have three kids under the age of four. I know...I know.
Yes, I'm one quarter short of a dollar.
I have a husband. He puts up with mah crap and loves me even
when I wanna bite his head off. Isn't he just fab?
I have a hamster as well. Um, I used to have two.....really I have no idea where the other wandered off to. If hes smart, he ran away from this circus.
Taco is the existing hamsters name...although, ironically, he oddly resembles a Snicker bar. That could be my chocolate addictions fault though.
You see, chocolate makes me smile. It's my relaxant, my addiction. It's also responsible for the extra 3lbs I've put on. Everything that's good always has a draw-back I tell ya.

Aaaaaanyways.....that's me, that's my life in a nutshell.