Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just hand over the earplugs

before I lose what little bit of sanity I have left. And while you're at about a lifetime supply of chocolate, a boob that doesn't hurt, a megaphone and a maid?

No, you say?

Okay, I'd settle for a tootsie roll and a hot shower. I'd love you forever. Don't expect me to share the tootsie roll with you though. Maybe an hour of t.v that isn't animated/demanding that I cooperate with a talking map or be excruciatingly jolly.

On the subject of kid shows....I'd love to have whatever these guys are having. I'd be wired for days!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Maybe the deranged hermit has a point.

[insert witty title]

Sadly, I've nothing exciting to write about so you get graced with that lovely mug ^. Isn't he gorgeous? No? Scary? Maybe. My 2 y/o seems to think so. He flips out when he see's him. What's so scary about a bug eyed, nutless, prehistoric squirrel? Haha.